Run Club on CBC Community Blog yesterday!
Our photo for our #RunForBoston got picked up on Twitter by the CBC. When you are at home, check out this link:
Activities to support Boston Marathon runners/families
Today, Friday – Wear a race T-shirt. Take a photo. Send the photo to the Facebook site “Run Chat” OR post it on Twitter and tag with @runchat. Run Chat will put your photo in their main photo gallery (
Saturday 9 a.m.- Run from the War Museum
Sunday 9 a.m.-Run for Boston. Check out @ottawarunning on Twitter for details, but the start is near Confederation Park.
Monday 1 p.m.- Walk for Boston. Meet on Parliament Hill to march to the US embassy. Take a pair of old run shoes to leave at the embassy. Coach Phil is organizing (@runcoachphil). Dylan Wykes will be there, as will a number of political leaders and elite runners.
Run Club next week
Tuesday, April 23- We run! 12:05 in the lobby.
Wednesday, April 24- Special Speaker, Peter Way from Sports4 will be bringing some door prizes and explaining foot strike and proper shoes as well as the latest summer run gear. At noon in the Training Room. Bring a friend!
Thursday, April 25- We run! 12:05 in the lobby.
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